Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Definition: Promenade

Prom-e-nade: a. A leisurely walk, especially one taken in a public place as a social activity. b. A public place for such walking.

Welcome to ReeRee's ever expanding vocabulary. Standing in the dining room this afternoon, waiting for the doors to open, ReeRee was having a conversation with CeeCee about a town in Maryland. Raving about it, she said that it was such a gorgeous town. There were boats everywhere and even a pommerod. Wait, a what?

CeeCee stopped her and said 'You mean a promenade?'.

'Huh? Oh... is that that thing you walk on? Then yeah, that's what I mean.'

Why does she even try to speak eloquently? It does not work well for her! Yet she won't stop! I understand that I am not the most well-versed person... so I don't try to be! I speak within my limits and don't make an ass out of myself because I think that I'll look smarter in the process. My theory is this: if you want to use those big words, get an effing dictionary and make sure that you're pronouncing them the way that they should be pronounced before you try to use them in a conversation! Also, and this is key, make sure you know what those words mean. For the sake of everyone's sanity around you, make sure that you know what that large ass word (or even, in her case, some very simple words) means.

It's ok though. There is a God and he is shining his wonderful light on The Club. On Friday, ReeRee gave her two weeks notice! Hot damn! B Man was toying with the idea of letting her know that her notice was going to be effective immediately. Then he was toying with the idea of paying her for two weeks to not come back. Then he decided that that is exactly what she would be hoping for and that he would do neither of those two things and she would remain until May 1st. As much as I would love (and I do mean LOVE) to see her gone ASAP, I agree with him 100%. He told me that the only reason she is still an employee of The Club and was not fired years ago is because he would not give her the satisfaction of firing her and giving her the ability to collect unemployment.

There are days when I adore that man!

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