Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Talladega Nights

Sweet baby Jesus! ReeRee found a buyer for her house! I cannot tell you how excited I was to hear her saying that she needs to find a job down at the beach (where her trailer that she's moving in to when she sells her house is, which is much too far away for a commute to this city) asap. My elation was short lived. I then learned that all she's waiting for now is for the buyer to sell their current house. Damn, this could take awhile. ReeRee has been trying to sell her house for over a year and some poor sap has finally agreed to her astronomical asking price. With the housing market the way that it is right now, it could be another year before her miserable ass is out of The Club's door for good. And everyone but CeeCee is counting down the days.

I mentioned before that there was an incident of maturity on her part a few months ago that caused her to de-friend me on Facebook. Going back to that, here's the whole story for your reading enjoyment.

There was a small party in an upstairs dining room. During cocktails, ReeRee, in a tizzy, came into the kitchen to tell Just Jack, the bartender, that someone needed another drink. Just Jack asked who the person was so he would know what to make. What followed from ReeRee's mouth was a combination of words and gibberish that sounded something like a description of a female. Just Jack gave her a blank stare. ReeRee started to get agitated and repeated over and over "you know who I'm talking about. Just make her drink." and then stormed off to serve food. If it were Just Jack and I, we would have laughed it off and continued on with the night. In a stroke of bad luck for ReeRee, Mr. P was also standing there. He turned to us and said "is she always that rude?" Without skipping a beat, we both exclaimed "yup!" the following day she was taken off of working nights for atleast 6 weeks. And I was de-friended. I'm not losing sleep over it.

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