Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm miscombobulated!

One thing that ReeRee struggles with on a daily basis is forming a coherent sentence. Half of her conversations consist of her bumbling over large words that she thinks she knows and should use to make herself seem more intelligent. What she doesn't realize is that she makes herself look extremely uneducated.

"I'm really out of it today. I'm so miscombobulated! I think I need a nap." Oh honey, you need more than a nap! If I didn't fear that karma would come back to bite me in the ass big time, I'd compile a dictionary of ReeRee-isms. Also, she's extremely sensitive so she'd undoubtedly hate me for life and make work utterly miserable. Case in point: she de-friended me on Facebook because she messed up in front of our boss, he called her out on it and I happened to be in the room at the time. For whatever reason, she got pissed at me like I had ratted her out...

Don't misunderstand these complaints though. I'm not without my faults, by any means. I'm the butt of a running joke around The Club. We also cater outside of the building which takes us all over the region. One such outside party was taking place not even 10 miles from where I live. Since I live about 30 miles from The Club, my boss thought it would be a nice gesture to give me that party to work instead of driving all the way in to town. The day of the party, I completely forgot where I was supposed to be and ended up at The Club. I then had to drive 20 miles back in the direction I had just come to get to the party.

Don't ask me for directions. I'll just get you lost.

1 comment:

  1. how do you get from smyrna to odessa?
    drive thru wilmington first =)
    i miss my penguins
